Hong Kong China
Softball Association

香港壘球總會 – 斜坡維修計劃Slope Remediation Fund Raising Campaign

於2020年5月底本會收到屋宇署對球場範圍內兩幅斜坡發出命令,要求本會作進一步的斜坡安全評估。於是在同年7月份本會進行公開招標,以25萬元聘請合資格顧問公司監察第一期斜坡勘測工程事宜。 並於11月透過招標程序,聘請工程公司,開始進行土地勘測工程,涉價近30萬。

加上在2019年8月及2020年10月,斜坡出現倒塌,繼而進行臨時噴漿處理工程,花費共30萬元, 本會至今已為斜坡維修耗資近90萬元。

經2021年1月之土地勘測後,已證實斜坡未達安全標準,預料更需要多花費 250萬元進行第二期工程。 因此,為抒解斜坡維修對球會財政造成的巨大壓力,本會現階段將會以250萬元作為目標,接下來會 發起各種不同的籌款活動,提供不同的途徑予會員捐款,希望各位會員踴躍支持,謝謝!

The Buildings Department issued _ Dangerous Hillside Order on _ slopes situated within the of Tin Kwong Road field in May 2020. Association was required to an investigation on the _ of the slopes. Since slopes are situated within boundary of our Softball , our Association have to all the maintenance fee our own cost.

Thus, we spent $250k _ appoint an engineering company _ our consultant to supervise _ whole preliminary investigation works spent another $300k to another engineering company to _ out the Ground Investigation . Including the $300k for temporary repair works done _ the slopes to ensure public safety when they in August 2019 and 2020, our Association have spent around $900k on __ slopes maintenance

Unfortunately, after the Ground _ conducted in January 2021, _ slopes were deemed to dangerous. We estimated that _ Association may have to another $2.5 million on slope remedial work.

With the huge financial , in order to ease tremendous financial burden created _ the remedial works. HKSA _ planned to launch a _ campaign through different avenues _ raising the $2.5 million the works. We would appreciate if members could our fundraising efforts to ___ the association. Thank you!

籌款宣傳片段 Fund raising Message of the President :

如何支持我們How to support us?


1. 一般捐款
General Donation
If you want to support us, please make a method with your most convenient below:
1. 支票捐款 By Cheque: 支票抬頭請寫「Hong Kong Softball Association」,郵寄或親身遞交至本會。
Please make your cheque payable to the “Hong Kong Softball Association” and send to our office in-person or by post.

2. 直接存入本會戶口: 滙豐銀行戶口:808-205744-838 或 轉數快識別代號: 165482043
Please deposit the donation into HKSA’s at HSBC (account number: 808-205744-838) or FPS ID : 165482043.

如會員捐款後需取回收據,請填妥 捐款表格 ,並交回本會辦事處,以便本會開發收據。
Please mail or e-mail the payment record together with donation form to the HKSA for an official receipt.
2. 外野防撞板橫額展示計劃
Outfield Panel Display Scheme
詳情 及 申請表格 Details & Application Form:
1. 外野防撞板橫額展示計劃 – 詳情(24.10.2021)

2. 附件一 – 外野防撞板橫額展示計劃 – 申請表格(24.10.2022)

3. Appendix 1 – Outfield panel display scheme (Details and Application form)
3. 榮譽榜 (捐款達$10,000以上適用)
Honor Roll (for the donations for amount $10,000 or more)
Based on the amount , the donations for HK$10,000 or more will be acknowledged in HKSA Website /Honor Roll :
Donation Method

1. 支票捐款 By Cheque: 支票抬頭請寫「Hong Kong Softball Association」,郵寄或親身遞交至本會
Please make your cheque payable to the “Hong Kong Softball Association” and send to our office in-person or by post.

2. 直接存入本會戶口: 滙豐銀行戶口:808-205744-838 或 轉數快識別代號: 165482043
Please deposit the donation into HKSA’s account at HSBC (account number: 808-205744-838) or FPS ID : 165482043.

有興趣之會員可參閱 榮譽榜 – 詳情 ,捐款後填妥 捐款表格 ,並交回本會辦事處,以便本會開發收據及跟進鳴謝事宜。
Please read the details (Chinese version) of the Honor Roll Scheme. Please mail or e-mail the payment record together with the donation form to the HKSA Secretariat for official receipt and our further arrangement for the acknowledgment.

如有任何疑問,請致電2711 1173與本會職員聯絡。
For any enquiries, please contact our staff at 2711-1173.