In order to enhance the development of team sports, the HKSAR Government has launched the “Development Programme for Team Sports” (the Programme) since January 2018. The HKSI has been appointed as the delivery agent to provide administrative support and professional advice for the Programme, which covers eight team sports with team size of five or more featuring in the Asian Games, namely baseball (men), basketball, football (women), handball, hockey, softball (women), volleyball and water polo.
The Programme provides additional funding to the eight relevant National Sports Associations (NSAs) to formulate and implement training programmes for Hong Kong to compete in the Asian Games. It also provides financial support to members of the Hong Kong teams. The aim of the Programme is to enhance the performance of team sports progressively and increase their chances of attaining elite sports status in future.
The Programme 計劃內容
The HKSAR Government launched the new round of the programme, “Development Programme for Team Sports 2024-2027”, in January 2024. With the existing training and competition support, the new round of Programme has introduced targeted support including the provision of additional resources to develop second-tier squads, dedicated funding for engagement of high-performance coaches and strengthening of sports medicine support. From 2024 onwards, each representative team will receive funding up to HK$1.6M per year according to the number of team members allowed to register in the Asian Games. Apart from the above funding support, members of Hong Kong National Squad and Second-tier Squad would receive a monthly allowance of HK$4,000 and HK$1,000, respectively, if they meet the training requirement (at least 80% of attendance of scheduled training hours required by the NSAs*).
*National Squad: NSAs should schedule a minimum of 10 hours of training per week
*Second-tier Squad: NSAs should schedule a minimum of 8 hours of training per week
*代表隊: 體育總會安排每週訓練時數不少於10小時
*第二梯隊: 體育總會安排每週訓練時數不少於8小時